Blogger Recognition Award-I am new to this so bear with me

I want to thank Quill & Parchment,, for this gracious recognition! I have only been blogging for a month and to have received, even a few followers, would have given me joy and encouragement. To now have 70 followers and someone, another fellow blogger who I admire and am honored to receive such an award from, nominate me is so amazing and appreciated.

With this being said, I want to use my acceptance, mostly as a way to thank my fellow blogging community while not putting pressure on anyone to feel obligated to have to continue spreading it to others. It is up to the people I nominate to just accept my sincere thank you for following my blog and pass this forward, if you feel compelled to.

I began blogging to give my Father’s Story a voice. I started writing it a little over a year ago and when spring/summer came my thoughts and obligations went to my garden. As fall and winter started creeping in this past year, I realized I needed to start writing again. After having left the words behind and not revisiting them for awhile, I decided, maybe I should share them with others and keep myself in check so I don’t leave this imperative story half completed. I am driven, by my children and my soul, to consummate this chronicle of my father’s life, from my, his daughter’s, perspective.

As I reread what I have written, it gives me a chance to edit and perfect the ideas I am trying to convey. It has given me a chance to reevaluate how I am communicating my reminiscences, and allows me time to consider the best way to portray my experiences and thoughts.

The unbelievable twist to all of this is what blogging has given to me that I never expected. It has given me a support system of inspirational writers and artists. A place I am touched by daily and want to recognize as the most wonderful social media outlet I have ever joined! It is full of honest, enlightening, kind, beautiful people who share their voices and thoughts with others so that someone like me can feel connected and inspired by their vulnerability and capacity to impact me deeply. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Connection to other bloggers is fundamental to the overall growth of your blog and you as a blogger. It is not just a meaningless task so you can acquire followers. It is an inspirational, enlightening process that will touch and transform you. A way to reach out and examine the world of aspiring writers and their similarities to you. As I read other blogs it affirms why I write and encourages me to continue. It shows the vulnerability we feel so often as writers and gives an outlet to expose ourselves while realizing we are not alone. To blog means #1Write and remember, what you say may touch and transform someone in a way you could have never imagined, and #2 Read & Discover-Read other posts, follow other bloggers, comment on how their writing touches you. It is an encouraging community of phenomenal people!

Thank you again to Sakhi at Quill and Parchment for this honor and recognition!

My nominees are bloggers who currently follow me and through their blogs and support have inspired me to continue writing. I am grateful for their support and I hope you will read their blogs; I promise their words will touch and encourage you! If my nominees do not wish to accept this award, I do know the time constraints and complications with something like this, please just accept this as a token of my appreciation for your words!

Here are my 15 nominees:

  13. Deniz Yalim at

Thank you again to all my followers and the entire blogging community on WordPress!

Love to all from the bottom of my heart,



  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.

20 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award-I am new to this so bear with me

  1. Omg! I feel honored to see myself on that list😊. Thank you! I’m glad I do the same for you as your writing does for me.

    This is such a great idea! It may take me awhile but I’m going to try to do it and pass it on.

    Your words are so inspiring to me truly. To be honest your whole blog is.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That’s well deserved, Anne. I think it’s a grand thing to do, to not forget our roots; our parents. And it only shows how much you love your father.

    Ever since I’ve been following your posts, there’s a burning desire to capture memories of my dad and mom, in sme way. Perhaps, like yourself. What you suggest?

    Also, many thanks for thinking me worthy of the recognition. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would suggest taking photos, of moments, and journaling stories they tell you about their lives! Even the things they have told you so many times you think you wouldn’t ever forget. Oh, and don’t let hard feelings ever last too long. It’s not worth the repercussions of losing them and not having resolved something unnecessarily! Thank you for asking, Asha. It means so much, to me, to have reached out and touched someone!❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yes, Anne.
        Dad has been suffering from chronic disease of the kidneys and heart for quite some years now. 16 years precisely. Getting a memoir sort of thing prepared through the blog will add some happiness to his days. And that’s why I asked you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for considering me for this insight, it touches me deeply! I am so sorry for your dad and the pain involved in those treatments. One of the Laotian father’s my mom befriended and helped when I was little went through this. It pained me to see his weak body and swollen veins. My thoughts and hopes are with all of you ❤🌻, for healing and comfort.


  3. A wonderful gesture and a beautiful post. I agree, it’s lovely to see you penning the memories of your father and the moments spent together. What’s great about this is that your daughters will be able to know him better through your blog too and even those to come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Oh, and I have a daughter and son. My son actually has my father’s eyes, and a bit of his personality too! I definitely do this to share their grandfather with them, most of all! Again, I so appreciate your support. It means so much to me!❤


  4. Thanks for the nomination and congrats on your growing community. Yes, connection is the key, isn’t it? You know, sometimes I feel like I know my blogging friends better than my real friends. I read about their lives on a daily basis, and let’s face it, even the best of friends don’t update you so religiously!

    Glad we found each other and I’m keen to check out your other blogging friends. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

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