My Book……

I am excited, & a bit nervous, to let everyone know I have self-published my Father's story & memoir. Just be aware that it is an amateur publishing that I did myself through an online site; where it was formatted & printed after many years of self-editing. I originally set out to get 1 copy … Continue reading My Book……

Grief is Sneaky….

Maybe it's redundant and been said too much, but I still miss him. I miss him each day and wish I could share him, the real living him, with my world. Mostly my family because no matter how much I try and talk about him or keep his memory alive, it seems no one really … Continue reading Grief is Sneaky….

A Quick Thank You…

I just want to reach out to those who have and continue to read this story! I appreciate it more than words can express. I am still hoping to publish this story some day so that I can share it with so many others, but it is a step-by-step process that I know, in time, … Continue reading A Quick Thank You…


After just reading a post from my fellow blogger and friend: AmyRose (her blog), I was encouraged by my initial reaction to discuss the age old saying, "Death happens in threes." I hate this phrase because it was all too true at the time my father died. I think it should be known, from my … Continue reading Threes…..

21 Years…

Oddly enough I don't usually remember this day-the day that my father died-21 years ago. It usually passes like any other day. I think of him on October 16 because it was his birthday as well as, my sister's birthday and my parent's anniversary. That made it quite the day in our household so much … Continue reading 21 Years…

Onto the Next Journey (Please Join Me!)…

Life has had its ups and downs lately. The weather warms up only to cool down again. Politics and activism have been over consuming my extra hours, taking time from my writing and family. Mostly due to my mind's preoccupation with the stresses and anxiety that go along with trying to coordinate, prepare, and anticipate … Continue reading Onto the Next Journey (Please Join Me!)…

This is Where it Ends….

(Continuation of the post-A Voice of Reason...) Speaking of dreams, angels, and death makes me recall a time in my childhood that my father and I bonded over a common interest; baseball. When I was 8 years old a movie came out that not only intrigued me but sparked an excitement in my dad. Something … Continue reading This is Where it Ends….

A Voice of Reason…

(Continuation of the post-Angels & Dreams...) As his life became whole, I was starting to fall apart. Fifteen is a difficult time to lose a parent, anytime really is, but it could have been worse. I am so grateful for the time my father and I had together. It was long enough to feel I … Continue reading A Voice of Reason…

Angels and Dreams…

(A Continuation of the post-Consider What the Memories Hold...) The one comfort is that I believe he is watching over them in a way he would not be able to if he was still here, alive, on Earth with us. My father believed in angels and I listened to several guardian angel stories when I … Continue reading Angels and Dreams…

Consider What the Memories Hold…

(A Continuation of the post-On the Road with My Dad....) I guess the reality is we don't really know most of the time who or what we'll be dealing with. From my experiences in the last 36 years, I've found it is difficult to predict how exactly the events in my life will affect me immediately or … Continue reading Consider What the Memories Hold…